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Asaase Nofosuo: pure organic fertilizer
Made in Ghana
Environmentally friendly
More affordable than other fertilizers
Can be used on ALL crops grown in Ghana
Improves and maintains soil fertility
One application per season is enough

Introducing Asaase Nofosuo
Farmers Hope Manufactures pure organic fertilizer in Ghana!

Applying our fertlizer is simple


Introducing Asaase Nofosuo
Farmers Hope Manufactures pure organic fertilizer in Ghana!


Peppers / Jalepenos
Asaase Nofosuo is especially good for beloved West Africa pepe!

Asaase Nofosuo is good for all crops

Sweet potatoes
Asaase Nofosuo good for root crops
Cocoa, maize, tomatoes and more all grown with Ghana's own organic fertilizer
Farmers Hope Company Limited is an agricultural organisation established in Kumasi, Ghana, in 2010. The company specialises in the development and production of organic farm inputs.
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