Using a minimum of 200kg is recommended for each acre of the land regardless of the crop for economic results, particularly in the first season of use.
Asaase Nofosuo is applied once as stated above. Top dressing is optional in a given season. It is expected that the recommended application in point (i) is sufficient.
Asaase Nofosuo granules must be poured close to the plant forming a ring around the plant for vegetables and other short rooted crops. For long rooted crops, casting the fertilizer granules is recommended
Spread and harrowing may be carried out, if desired. Although, Asaase Nofosuo can be applied at any time, application of the fertilizer should be done early, even from the point of planting
Highly hygroscopic, it absorbs moisture drawing it around the plant
Restores pH balance of the soil
Improves the soil’s fertility
Has the ability to check and prevent most fungal diseases in the soil
Enhances the soil’s microbial health and aeration
Increases the nutritional content in the plants and produces quality food for consumption
Farmers Hope produces a high quality organic fertiliser aptly named for its nutritive impact on the soil. This high grade fertiliser is made from agricultural waste which enriches the soil, enhances organic food production and has lasting positive impact on the farmland.
It is environmentally friendly
Safe to use on all crops
Is sold at low cost to the famer
Improves and maintains soil fertility once applied
Continuous cropping can be done and still achieve the expected yield
High residual effect on the soil thereby reducing subsequent application costs
Reduces leaching and also helps replace lost micronutrients in the soil